Forever and Always


Behind those eyes of yours, I see a depth of pain and burdens that no one should ever have to bear alone. If only I could shoulder your burdens, carry all those weights away, if only I could wipe away every tear, mend every wound... Your pain is mine to share, and your struggles are mine to conquer alongside you.

My love, you deserve nothing less than the most beautiful life, filled with joy, peace, and boundless happiness. I vow to you, with every fiber of my being, that I will do everything in my will and power to make our days ahead a tapestry of beauty and wonder. I will stand by your side through every trial, every triumph, and every moment in between. Every day, I eagerly await the time when I can fully stand by your side, to face whatever challenges that may come our way.

Together, we will weave a future so radiant, so magnificent, that it will outshine even the darkest of days. You are my everything, and I will stop at nothing to ensure that your life is nothing short of extraordinary. Forever, and always...



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