
Showing posts from April, 2023
To support and encourage your dreams, and goals in every possible way that I can, To push you further, to be your driving force, To add value to your life in all possible ways that I can, To be there for you when it all seems too much, To be the voice that reminds you of hope, To grow together to see how much we can thrive together, To have quiet nights filled with all those sweetest nothings, To be vulnerable, to be real, to be open, To unfold and lay down my armor, and To have days filled with you, To continue seeing you both in your weakest and in your strongest, To be there for you and to be there with you, through all ups and downs that life throws at us

The Power of Your Thoughts

If you are seeking a change in your life, you must first change the way you think about your life. Thoughts are not just mere thoughts. They are basements and foundations, they are doors and bridges, they are hallways and entryways. They magnetize and they repel. They have the ability to build a castle and they also have the ability to tear it all down. They can energize huge momentum, or they can even keep you idling within your own little world. Thoughts are huge and worthy investments, and they are decisions. The mind will continue generating endless series of options - some inspiring, some encouraging, some stimulating, and yet some fearful, some terrifying, some horrible. The choice is all yours. You must choose what you strongly believe in, you must choose what makes you a better person and what puts you at a better state of place. Thoughts create feelings, and feelings create desires, and desires create actions, and actions create success. A thought has all the power of being a

Proud of You

I am so proud of you - the way in which you hold yourself, the way you carry yourself despite all those hurdles, the morals that you carry forward with you. I am so proud of how far you have come and if no one has told you in a while, you are already doing an amazing job. The way you take each day as it comes, the smile that you plant on your face even during difficult times, everything is just so beautiful and inspiring. Every single thing in life will somehow work out for the best to you. All that I wish is to give you as much light and support as I can, just to watch you climb every mountain and jump over every hurdle towards happiness and success. You deserve all the wonderful things that you are fighting for, and I am so proud of you, I will always be.

The Moon and You

Exchanging thoughts, emphasizing feelings, and validating concerns is where the truth lives. It's where the mind and heart collides🤍 "எட்டாத உயரத்தில் நிலவை வைத்தவன் யாரு ? கையோடு சிக்காமல் காற்றை வைத்தவன் யாரு ? இதை எண்ணி எண்ணி இயற்கையை வியக்கிறேன்..." "Who has placed the moon so far away ? Who created the wind that cannot be held in our hands ? By thinking about this, I’m astonished about the nature🍃".
Thoughts began to whisper louder with the advent of twilight. As if in the darkness they were not afraid of anything, and like true night creatures, lived their lives. Thoughts were woven into sketches, words were woven into poems and inked paper with shadow patterns. In the reflections of the dim light I find peace, I find quiet, I find serenity, I find tranquility, I find myself, and I find you.

Safe and Sacred

When a man can listen to a woman's feelings without judgement, when a man can understand the language of a woman's heart, nothing could ever be a more wonderful gift. He makes it safe for her to express herself, the more she feels heard and understood, the more she is able to give a man the loving trust, acceptance, appreciation, acknowledgement, admiration, approval, encouragement and everything else that he needs.  Vice versa 🤍 At the end of the day, nothing matters the most than keeping each other's heart and mind safe and sacred 🍃
A blast of morning sunlight that fuels the soul and heart. Existence that validates dreams, goals and every other possibilities. Vibe and energy that brings out the better version of ourself. 


Uncertain on what is next, Uncertain on what to decide, Uncertain on what to choose, Uncertain on what to be, Uncertain on what the future holds, Yet, there is a great power in those uncertainties. Every given moment contains doorways of opportunities. When you choose to walk through one, you make realities available to you that were once invisible. When you are uncertain on what is next, you enter the realm of infinite potential. You thrive at your utmost best in everything. You do well, you grow and you flourish. You learn how to continuously meet the ever changing 'now'. You enjoy the beauty of becoming. The only thing that is certain is the uncertainty. Embrace the uncertainty. When nothing is certain, anything is possible. 

To Feel Your Presence

In the cold morning breeze that awakens the earth, In the spectacular sunrise that colors the sky, In the symphony of the birds' little voice, On the roads covered with trees and trees filled with blooms, I could feel your presence. As the night falls, as I gazed at the ethereal night sky, As I drenched my soul in the aglow of the moon, I could feel your presence.
The art of nourishing each other and flourishing together🍃 In sailing through the waves of life, to be there for you, when it all seems too much, to be the voice that reminds you of hope and lift you up, to help you fight for your dreams and see them come to life. To grow with you, to see how much we can thrive together. To have quiet nights filled with sweet nothings. To be real with you, to open, unfold myself and lay down my armor. To make you smile and laugh to experience joy everyday. To have days filled with you and to continue seeing you in both your weakest and your strongest. To be there for you and to be there with you.
In the silent stare of our eyes, In between your arms, In between the warmth of your embrace; I will find home🤍🍃