
All these years you may have lived sacrificing your everything for the benefits and dreams of others. But, never to the point where you are left suffocated. It is totally okay to sacrifice everything else for your dream, but never ever sacrifice your dream. At some point, you got to breakthrough and make sure you live your life for yourself. You do not have to defend or explain your decisions to anyone. Do not ever have any second thoughts for the decision that you have made for yourself even if everyone are against it. It may be not the best decision, but when you are totally passionate about it, you could definitely make the best out of that decision. Let go of everything that suffocates your soul. In the end, make sure you can say that you chose your life, not others and not that you settled for it. No matter what it takes, never give up or sacrifice on your dream to satisfy the thirst of others. Enough is enough. Your life is your own. Breakthrough.


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