
If you could make a list of everything you have ever worried about, everything you thought you would never get over, everything you thought you would never find an answer, every time you have felt lost, every fear, every insecurities, every discomfort, every uncertainties, you would realize that every single one has eventually passed and a path forward was made. Within the fears, insecurities, discomforts, uncertainties, there was also your potential, an opportunity for you to be found, a chance to see what you needed to change. Despite your realization, your doubt and your disbelief, a path forward was made, and it will always be in the making.

As time goes on, you will begin to understand why things had to unfold precisely the way they did, you will realize if you did not have the exact experiences you had just the way as you had them, you would have missed out quite a number of essential lessons and pieces of wisdom that built you into the person that you are today. Regardless of all the twists and turns, ups and downs, when you look back, you will see the purpose on how everything came to be. One day, you will also see the purpose in what is happening right now. All that you have to do is, just keep going.

One day, you are going to look back on this time and understand the purpose in timing, in the delays, in the choices you have to make. One day, you are going to look back on this time and realize that you were far closer to the breakthrough than you actually knew. One day, you are going to look back on this time and realize you were always right where you were meant to be.

If there is one single voice or thought that can comfort you at your lowest, in your darkest, quietest and deepest days, let it be this - One day when you look back, all that you will see is magic. You would not remember how stuck your felt, or how far behind you thought you were. All that you will see is magic. Trust the process, keep going.



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