
Showing posts from October, 2022
  Everyone has untold stories of pain, and suffering that make them to live and love a little differently than the others .


Real intimacy is all about having heart-to-hearts, sharing thoughts, fears, dreams and hopes for the future. Tender hugs, to feel secured together, to be vulnerable with each other, to touch each other's soul, it is the nakedness of two soulfully connected minds.

The Journey

Every experience in life will get you to where you are supposed to be. Every loss, every struggle, every heartbreak and every mistake. Don't be afraid to mess up. Get lost; get so damn lost and find yourself over and over again. Trust your journey. Remember that even if you are moving slowly, each day you are getting a little closer to where you need to be.

In Between

In between where you are and where you want to be, there is endless, boundless peace. There is an opportunity to be still, as you find yourself in the gap between the past and the future, knowing that this is the space where you were called to come alive. And it's okay if you feel uncertain here. You don't have to have it all figured out. You are free to take this moment by moment, and see the wholeness of it all. Some things will be easier, some will make sense, while most of it will leave you with questions. But, all these mountains and valleys will create a landscape, where somehow, through it all, everything will find its place eventually.


When you are grown up in an environment where you're only loved impliedly, and you've never felt how it is to be loved, later in adulthood, you will eventually realise how almost impossible it seems to cross that distance, let yourself experience closeness, and how otherwordly love feels now. You will always be spreading love and care towards others, but you flinch when someone does the same to you. And over and over, you could see so clearly how everything around is mixed with that sensation of distance and coldness.

Never give up

  Never forget how far you've come. All the times you pushed on even when you felt you couldn't. All the times you wanted to give up but you fought through another day. Never forget the strength you've gained along the way 🤍🍃


Sometimes feelings can be overpowering. But, when the dust settles, when emotions subside, when clarity returns, you can always come back home to yourself.
You've been through a thousand things in your life people don't even know about. You've proved so much to yourself who muddled through storms that people don't even see because of how beautifully you carried yourself. You've experienced things that have shook you, changed you, broke you, built you and taught you to be stronger than you ever thought you had the ability to. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, no matter how much it shatters you into pieces, never stop. Hold your head up and keep going.