
Showing posts from April, 2020
The number of cases, deaths, affected countries are increasing. It's not only affecting huge businesses, but also leaving a greater impact on the local small businesses. We all know, it has been devastating globally. It may be lockdown or MCO, but it's not the same for everyone. Some are quarantining fabulously, whereas some are dying out of hunger. Many people out there who rely on daily wages are suffering. People who show out their skills to earn money such as artists, performers, dancers are in pain. Quarantine isn't the same for all of us. Everywhere the coronavirus has struct, regardless of culture and religion, rituals to honor the dead have been cut short or abandoned for fear of spreading it further. All we can do now is help one another. Donate to a local non-profit to provide support for medical system, childcare, homeless population, food banks, etc. Help people around you as much as you can. Even a small packet of biscuits will do. It will prevent those starvin